Miles Morsey is the third youngest of the Morsey siblings. Outside of ministry, Miles has served as a contractor for 45 years and even owned a successful health and fitness studio in Northern California.

In 2014, Miles was “minding his own business” when the Lord radically interrupted his life. After some unfortunate events, Miles went to a men’s Bible study group to find some encouragement. It was at that point, that his fellow brethren learned he was a doctor of natural health. They urged him to use this gift and serve in Mexico. Miles thought nothing of it, but to appease them, told them he would pray about it. After a few weeks of his friends continually prophesying this, Miles received a second confirmation... Just minutes later, driving home after the men’s group, an old friend called him out of the blue who happened to be serving in Mexico. This friend offered to support Miles financially full-time if he moved to Mexico as a missionary.

During this time, Miles was involved in three lawsuits and had a failing business. However, despite the circumstances, Miles started to realize that maybe God was calling him to Mexico. Miles reached out to his friend, Dr. Miado, who was his mother’s doctor during the time of her passing. Dr. Miado was so moved by the Morsey’s faith, that he left his career of being a doctor to pursue a life of ministry full-time. Miles took a weekend trip to visit him and explore the idea of moving to Mexico. During this trip, they hosted a healing crusade in the open markets where they gave people natural herbs and also prayed with people. Miles witnessed many people get healed and he was completely amazed by their hunger for God. One woman in particular was suffering from pre-cancerous breast fibroids. Doctors wanted to surgically remove her breasts. However, she refused. She went to see Miles and before he even had a chance to pray or treat her, God healed her. She sat down and started screaming having felt the hand of the Lord grant a healing touch. This miraculous testimony was the third major confirmation impressed upon Miles’ heart, stirring his spirit for how God was going to continue using him.

As if it was not already clear for him to move to Mexico, Miles gave God an ultimatum. He was $120K in debt, in the midst of three lawsuits, and asked the Lord for someone to buy his dying business. Within one month, someone bought his business allowing him to pay off his debt, dissipating the lawsuits. The individual who purchased his business still donates to Miles’ ministry to this day. This solidified everything for Miles.

Through a series of God-ordained steps, Miles settled in Ensenada, Mexico. He became planted in a local church, activating a team of twenty. He birthed his ministry, “Weekend Crusades”and pioneered healing crusades in the open markets. Many were healed and mass salvations were occurring daily. Miles began to feel a burden to nurture these new salvations. The Lord introduced him to a new friend who became his go-to translator and ministry partner. Together, they gathered the new believers from the open markets and host Bible studies. As things grew, they started having church services in the open.

Months later, Miles felt a transition in his ministry. He found that more people were inclined to ask for prayer for their emotional and mental problems, rather than their physical problems. With the foundation of God being the true healer, Miles felt God was calling him to continue nurturing believers into full maturity of their faith. He soon moved to Rosarito, Mexico where he became involved in a church planting school.

To this day, the Lord has immensely blessed the church planting school. They are averaging 40 new students per semester and have successfully launched 45 church plants throughout Mexico. As a lead instructor, Miles oversees students by critiquing sermons, discipling young men in the field, and equipping students to lead life groups, helping them grow into churches.

Matthew 22:36-40 is the core foundation and heart behind this ministry: love. As Miles says, “Everyone wants to have babies but no one wants to change their diapers!” Doing life with each other, adopting as family, and truly getting in the trenches with people is the greatest example of Jesus’ love. You must earn trust and show compassion before anyone will listen to what you have to say. It is easier to tell someone the Gospel, rather than show someone the Gospel. Miles’ heart is to remind people that Jesus came to serve.

“Weekend Crusades” is under the umbrella of This is a Generation. Glory House is excited to partner with this ministry to start a church planting school within our community and see people trained in church planting. Internal conferences will be held and available to our partnered organizations.