(Used as salutation meaning “peace")

By: Kerry Morsey

​Few times in life, surprises pop up as a radiant flashing moments of joy, that stay etched in our hearts forever. As natural life experiences change us, they linger with a lasting impact. One of those moments for me was as a toddler sitting on my father’s rescued racehorse. It was magical as my father walked in front of us and “Beetle Bomb,” his horse quietly followed. In my heart I felt on top of the world as I melted into the handmade leather worn saddle made by my dad.

I remember my dad’s tall grey cowboy hat that lead  the way as we followed him in the sandy arena. It was a wonderful feeling; one of the rare moments on the mountaintop of life. Today I feel that same joy and contentment on the back of my horse. 

But, what’s the use of this experience,  if I don’t share it with others? They are meant to share for something greater.

We have an innate desire to be connected, I think as we understand nature and we connect with each other and share the joy of the creation all around us, we begin to unconsciously feel God. 

​Over the years horses have been an intermittent part of my life. As my parents divorced the sadness deepened in my life. My mother noticed this and signed me up for horse lessons. It was a nice escape from the pressures of life and the abandonment I felt inside. It lasted only a short time due to financial reasons.

After my mom’s second divorce we moved to Northern California. A few years later my mom bought me a horse, named “Preacher” for Christmas. I kept him in my backyard and had the full responsibility to take care of him. I spent hours riding through the pear orchards and back country roads; during my junior high and high school years. I remember the quiet peaceful moments of laying on his back covered up with an old blanket as he grazed on fresh spring grass. I didn’t have a care in the world. But, due to another difficulty we moved to Sacramento and he was given away.

​Many years later as a married mom with three children I bought a horse, “Frosty.” As a family we many wonderful and funny moments on the ranch. My children and their cousins with other young girls enjoyed getting dirty, working, riding and bathing a 1200 pound pet. It was a time of fresh air laughter, play and sweat, that created peace from the battlefield of life. 

​Once again I was drawn back to horses after my children had gone to college, married and had children. I decided it’s time to buy a horse. So, after looking for almost two years the right horse came along. “Shalom” is an off the Track thoroughbred, who truly has a peaceful demeanor. Now My grand children, friends and young women are enjoying that same feeling of getting away, to enjoy a simple day with a horse on a beautiful sunny afternoon. On top of the world, refreshed by the presence of nature, knowing God is there. We are so excited to have "Shalom" as part of the ministry of Glory House.