Believe for Greater




Glory House is a ministry under the umbrella of This is the Generation, a multi-generational family run 501c3 non-profit founded in 1974. By partnering with churches, non-profits, and businesses, Glory House will further unite and serve the community. Whether it be a worship night, Bible study, staff retreat, youth camp, team building event, art class, outdoor movie night, or barbecue, the opportunity to create is endless. Glory House is positioned to be the benchmark for building a foundation of faith.

Glory House is currently in the development phase as we are fundraising to make this God-given promise, a reality. Our real estate team is working diligently, searching for the right property. We are praying for favor, financial blessing, God's timing, and divine provision. We do not take this call of ministry lightly, but firmly believe that the time to build is now. The movement of Glory House is already in full effect. Check out our upcoming events.



Refresh and strengthen our local communities across all facets of life, including family, business, and church. Create interconnected, supportive environments where individuals can thrive and grow together, fostering a sense of unity and purpose.


Bridge the gap within the broader Christian community by emphasizing unity. It's not about "your church" versus "my church"; it's about the “Big C” church. By creating a collective space that builds family within the Body of Christ at large, our mission is to foster a profound sense of belonging.


Recognizing that traditional church services can sometimes be intimidating for non-believers, we host inclusive and social events at Glory House. These gatherings offer a comfortable, enjoyable entry point into a faith-based community. Through these events, attendees will gradually integrate into the local church and thrive in their personal walk where Christ can change their life.


Multi-Generational Family Run Nonprofit since 1974

The Morsey legacy began with Marshall's grandfather who began the Harvester Mission in Los Angeles. Outside of his evangelism and extensive outreaches, he wrote "The 7 Things You Ought to Know", the most popular Gospel track of the 30s and 40s, translated in 22 different languages and distributed in over 20 countries. Marshall's father continued this passion and planted a church in Sacramento. Marshall left for UCLA and became involved in the Jesus People Movement where he saw God work miraculously. Two years later, Marshall transferred to UC Davis where he continued to see the hand of God mightily on the campus.

At sixteen years old, Kerry attended a Bible study hosted by Marshall and his father where she ended up dedicating her life to Christ. Years later, Marshall and Kerry married and became part of the family ministry called "The Ark", under This is the Generation. The Ark was a 12,000sqft ministry home housing 25 individuals. The purpose of this ministry was to disciple people to maturity in their Christian walk. Together, they hosted Bible studies, worship nights, city outreaches, spaghetti dinners, jacuzzi baptisms, and left a lasting impression in the Sacramento area. They raised their children in The Ark while serving in children's ministry, homeless and community outreach, and discipleship. They witnessed their neighborhood and community change by the Gospel. From there, they moved their family to Grass Valley, CA getting planted in a local church and serving as leaders in Bible studies. Marshall pioneered a children's ministry gathering and equipping men to serve in this capacity. Later, they moved to Roseville, CA where they even planted a church that was birthed in a living room.

Several years later, Marshall and Kerry moved to Southern California to continue preaching the good news. Once again, they began hosting Bible studies, events, and raising up "life groups" which later multiplied and became attached to local churches throughout the county. In addition, they served alongside Marshall's brother, Miles, in Mexico participating in medical clinics, aid distribution, and preaching the gospel to the poverty stricken. Simultaneously, Marshall and Kerry's daughter, Charity, was building an outreach team in Mexico to create housing for women and children in human trafficking and prostitution.

As a new church started in Orange County, they felt called to be part of this church movement. In addition, they began a ministry at Salt Creek Beach in Dana Point, CA. Still going on to this day, they continue to evangelize, worship, and baptize many on the beach. Many of those impacted by the Morsey Family have gone to Bible college, and further participated in international and domestic missions trips. Now, Marshall and Kerry are excited to see what God does in this next phase of their lives beginning a new dimension with Glory House.

Changing lives for over 48 years.


Our heart is to see lives changed in individuals and corporate communities. Our passion is to be a part of the bigger picture of humanity going forward with dreams, visions and hope.



The Morsey home hosts multiple Bible studies weekly with over 50 attendees from all ages and walks of life. The community of Glory House has already been in action and is continuing to be built within the events and bible studies held in their home. Their family history is extensive as this has been a practice of opening their home for over 40 years.


Our goal is to launch several community events to expand the horizon of what God wants to do in Glory House. The inaugural event will be the Love Well Live True conference in September 2024. Other social events such as pickleball tournaments and line dancing events are to follow. Every event will have an opportunity to share the vision of Glory House and accept donations.


Purchase property and expand buildouts as necessary.


We have a national and global vision to expand Glory House properties across the world.


Together as a team, Glory House will serve with your organization to accomplish your goals within your community. We are committed to helping your event succeed by managing the logistics and creative development. This home and property is an intentional environment to create exceptional memories and cultivate an unforgettable atmosphere. Together, in a unified effort and heart, we "Believe for Greater" for all that will be accomplished in peoples lives.

Apply to become a Glory House partner. We collaborate with organizations that share our values, faith, and goals.


  • Bible Studies + Worship Nights

  • BBQs + Backyard Festivities

  • Youth Camps

  • Outdoor Movie Nights

  • Multipurpose Art Studio/Classes

  • Team Building Events

  • Staff Meetings

  • Line Dancing

  • Weddings + Special Events

  • Media Studio

  • Cafe

  • Study Nooks

  • Volunteer Programs